It's been quite a year! And quite a while since you've heard from me... Like so many in this very challenging year we are soon leaving behind, I've
Et år er snart over
Et år er snart over Et år er snart over og et flunkende nytt ti-år venter like rundt hjørnet. Det er tid for å oppsummere og rydde slik at vi kan gå
Taming your inner perfectionist
Taming your inner perfectionist I cringe. All sorts of judgmental narratives come up. Did he not spell check? There are mistakes on every slide! Was
Love your inner chaos
Love your inner chaos Why would you love your inner chaos? When chaos hits, the world falls on your head and life is not at all what you knew it to
Reboot your motivation
Reboot your motivation A month into the new year. How is it going? Have you found new and healthy habits to support your intentions and dreams for
New beginnings
New beginnings A whole new year with new beginnings and new dreams lie ahead of us. New opportunities, blank slates, infinite options, and
The year is coming to a close
The year is coming to a close As the year is coming to a close it is time to look back for a moment. Maybe this year has been a blast, filled with
Bring your passion!
Bring your passion! Can you imagine life without passion? It’s a pretty bleak vision without it, isn’t? This is why I love food programs and Chef’s
Do you feel bad when you put yourself first? Here’s why you shouldn’t.
Do you feel bad when you put yourself first? Here's why you shouldn't. Is it selfish to put yourself first? For some people, it comes as naturally as
How to… From Failure to Success in 10 Seconds
From Failure to Success in 10 Seconds Pay attention to the words you are using when you talk about an experience you've had. How do the words you use